Vote by correspondence 2019
During the months of April and May 2019, the Solar Keymark Network members have voted by correspondence three proposals.
Those proposals were approved by the Solar Keymark Network members and by the KMO, DINCERTCO.
Below you will find the full documentation with a brief explanation:
- SKN_R1 Annex P1 of SKN_N0444R1_SK_Scheme Rules
- “Conversion of unglazed collectors to WISC” / A. Bohren – To issue Solar Keymark Datasheets in the version 6.x, parameters of unglazed collectors (ISO 9806:2013 and earlier) can be converted into WISC parameters (ISO 9806:2018) using the formulas indicated in SKN_N0445R0_Conversion of Unglazed to WISC
- SKN_R2 Inclusion of “aperture area” of the collector in Scenocalc Datasheet – Result
- KMO – As there was some confusion about having aperture area on the collector datasheet or not, the KMO asked to clarify this question in a separate voting.
- SKN_R3 Addition of the ηa to the Schenocalc Datasheet on a proposed way – Result
- Stefan Abrecht – On page 2 of the SK datasheet the annual efficiency ηa shall be added as a further row below the specific ACO. The annual efficiency is displayed as value in % rounded to the nearest integer per each temperature level.