Solar Certification Fund: 11th call “Empowering the most Sustainable Heating Solution!”

Brussels, 21 November 2019 – The Solar Certification Fund (SCF) launched its 11th call for proposals to continue to provide regular and reliable support for: Further development and improvement of Solar Thermal certification and standardization processes, Ensuring quality assurance for solar thermal technology. Paving the way for the certification of the next generation of solar thermal products “The Solar […]
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Solar Keymark Network Meeting 27th

The 27th Solar Keymark Network meeting will take place the 22-23 October online, via Gotowebinar. This meeting will be hosted by Solar Heat Europe. The main topics of this meeting will be the following: – Remote Factory Ispection – SCF 11th call – Annex P 5.6 This network promotes the development of the Solar Keymark quality label […]
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KEYMARK Workshop 2019

On Wednesday, October 16th the Keymark Workshop 2019 will take place. After the campaign of the Solar Keymark for a more active and committed CEN to promote the keymarks and increase awareness of public authority and policy makers, we reached, with the collaboration of the other main keymarks (Heat Pump and Insulation), the first milestone with this workshop to […]
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Vote by correspondence 2019

During the months of April and May 2019, the Solar Keymark Network members have voted by correspondence three proposals. Those proposals were approved by the Solar Keymark Network members and by the KMO, DINCERTCO. Below you will find the full documentation with a brief explanation: SKN_R1 Annex P1 of SKN_N0444R1_SK_Scheme Rules “Conversion of unglazed collectors […]
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Solar thermal first!

The revision of the European Energy labelling regulations (ErP) is ongoing and will have a big impact on the solar thermal markets in the next few years. Many people think that the underlying rules are made somewhere in a hidden backyard of Brussels which is only partly true: You can participate too. The European Energy […]
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Your participation in the Solar KEYMARK Network

Dear Solar KEYMARK Certificate Holder, With this message, we would like to inform you about the option to participate actively in the Solar KEYMARK Network (SKN). The SKN is the assembly of the certification bodies, testing laboratories and representatives of industry. The main task of the SKN members is to continuous improve the SKN Scheme […]
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What is the Solar Keymark?

The Solar Keymark is a voluntary third-party certification mark for solar thermal products, owned by CEN/CENELEC. Every certified product is in full conformity with the relevant European standards and fulfils additional requirements to assure constant quality. This level of quality is maintained by initial type testing and by regular controlled of the products and their […]
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