Certification Bodies

Why becoming an accredited Solar Keymark Certification Body?

The Solar Keymark is a well-recognised and widely used certification scheme – in operation for 18 years. The Solar Keymark is supported by the Solar Keymark Network and all accredited certification bodies are automatically added to the members’ network.

Why is the Solar Keymark relevant?

The Solar Keymark Network is a formidable place for certification bodies to have a quick access to knowledge as it has been gathering solar thermal experts for 18 years.

To become an empowered Solar Keymark Certification Body, please contact CEN’s point of contact in charge of the Keymark. In case you have any questions regarding the process to become an empowered certification body, please contact the Solar Keymark Manager or the Solar Keymark Chairman.

If you are curious about the current certification bodies working with the Solar Keymark, check out our interactive map.
