Solar Certification Fund:3rd call
The European Solar Certification Fund (SCF) has launched its third call for project proposals.
The 3rd SCF call asks for project proposals on specific subjects
- Promotion of Solar Keymark
Acronym: SK-Promo - Reference weather data database for Solar Keymark testing and certification purposes. To be available for free via the Solar Keymark website
Acronym: SK-Database - Support to IEA-SHC Task 43: Solar rating and certification
Acronym: T43Sup - Proposal for elaborating and implementing a Global Certification scheme for solar collectors
Acronym: GlobCert - Follow-up activities on Legionella issue
Acronym: Legio - Follow-up process of revision of “EPBD-standards” and active participation in project team for revision/improvement of EN 15316-4-3
Acronym: EPBD - Liaison officers of TC 164, TC 128, TC 228 and TC 371
Acronym: LiasTCxxx-12 (Note: xxx is the number of the corresponding TC) - Energy labelling with regard to promotion and awareness raising
Acronym: Elab12 - Extension of the existing solar collector energy output calculation tool to air collectors
Acronym: AirCoOut - Automatic Solar Keymark collector data sheet generation with respect to inclusion of annual performance figures
Acronym: SKAuto - Quality assurance aspects related to heat pipes, could e.g. include: investigation of freeze resistance testing of heat pipes performing a round-robin test related to freeze resistance testing of heat pipes
Acronym: HPQual - Elaboration of flexible scheme rules for inter-changeability of collector components.
Acronym: FlexColCert - Development of scheme rules for the certification of absorber coatings related to the upcoming EN12975-3-1
Acronym: AbsCert - Information about CE-marking of solar collectors – target group manufacturers
Acronym: CEInfo - Estimation of uncertainty of determined collector and system performance
Acronym: Uncert - Measures to harmonise the qualification requirements for inspectors and test labs
Acronym: HarmReq - Revision of specification for requirements for installers and user manuals
Acronym: InstReq - Administration of SCF administrative secretariat technical secretary
Acronym: SCF-Sec12 - Any other good and relevant ideas Acronym: to be determined by proposer
Furthermore other projects related to the support of certification and standardisation, as well as promotion of solar thermal technology can be handed in.
The Third Call for proposals closed on 31 January 2012