Solar Certification Fund: 2nd call
The European Solar Certification Fund (SCF) has launched its second call for project proposals.
This call provided over EUR 100.000 for projects related to the support of certification and standardisation as well as promotion of solar thermal technology. The proposals applying for this call will be chosen at the 11th Solar Keymark Network meeting.
The specific subjects were::
- Revision of specifications for requirements for installers and users manuals
- Update scheme rules:
- Revision for collector performance calculation tool for new collector designs such as PVT collectors and air heating collectors
- Procedures for the certification of performance for large custom made solar thermal systems, especially concerning the modelling tools
- Other good proposals
- Financing of ISO secretariat related to the ISO solar collector working group
- Establishment of a kind of” Solar Keymark Police” to avoid misuse of Solar Keymark
- Elaboration of a European standard on solar fluids (first preliminary draft to be presented to TC 312 for decision on creation of a work item)
- Development of an indoor test procedure for factory made systems according to EN1297
The Second Call for proposal closed on15 August 2011, 15:00.