The Solar Keymark tenth anniversary celebration

Brussels, 6 June 2014 – Solar Keymark stakeholders meet at Intersolar 2014 to celebrate the tenth anniversary and the successes of the certification scheme. Representatives from industry and test laboratories gathered at a reception during this year’s edition of Intersolar Europe in Munich to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Solar Keymark certification and its […]
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Solar Keymark certification going strong ten years on!

Brussels, 21 October 2013. Ten years ago, on 20 October 2003 the first ever Solar Keymark certificate was issued. 10 years later, the Solar Keymark is a success story, with around 2000 certificates for collectors and systems held by companies from 40 countries. The Solar Keymark was conceived ten years ago as a voluntary third-party […]
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A+++ solar systems on the market in 2015

Brussels, 6 September 2013 – The eco design and energy labelling regulations for space, water, combi heaters and storage tanks were published today in the Official Journal of the European Union. After many years of effort and a very constructive cooperation between the EU institutions and the solar thermal industry, the energy label will show, […]
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Environment: Give your opinion on reducing the environmental impact of buildings

Brussels, 9 July 2013 – Press release from the European Commission The European Commission is gathering views on how to reduce the environmental impacts of buildings. Buildings use a large amount of resources when they are designed, built, used and demolished, and their impact on the environment, energy consumption and climate change is significant. Improving […]
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Solar thermal in Italy: Government approves new subsidy scheme

The decree introducing the new incentive mechanism for renewable heating systems and energy-efficient measures in Italy was published in the Official Gazette at 2 January 2013. The decree introduces a subsidy scheme for renewable heating technologies pursuant to Article 28 of Legislative Decree 28/11, which requires the implementation of a feed-in tariff. Systems installed after […]
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