Solar Keymark Network meeting: Rome, 10 and 11 March 2015
The 18th Solar Keymark Network (SKN) meeting will be held on 10 and 11 March 2015 in Rome.
This meeting will be hosted by ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. The agenda for this 18th SKN meeting includes updates on different standardisation topics and on the Solar Keymark Schemes rules.
Between 10 and 12 March other related meetings will also take place at the ENEA: Solar Keymark Inspectors meeting; CEN TC312 /WG2 meeting; Global Solar Certification Network meeting and Board meeting;IEA-SHC Task 43 experts meeting’
The SKN promotes the development of the Solar Keymark quality label and its scheme rules. It is also an important platform for entities dealing with the Solar Keymark testing and certification. Its meetings are held bi-annually, with meetings scheduled for 6 and 7 October in Paris and 8 and 9 March in Berlin.