Solar Keymark Network meeting: Madrid, 5 and 6 September 2012
The 13th Solar Keymark Network (SKN) meeting will take place on 5 and 6 September 2012 in Madrid. This meeting will be hosted by AENOR, a Spanish certification body and one of the members of the SK Network.
On Wednesday morning, from 9h until 12h, before the start of the SKN meeting, a Workshop for Global Certification of Solar Thermal Products shall take place. This workshop shall include reports on already existing global certification systems and on market studies, a comparison of KEYMARK and SRCC Rules and a debate on a common work plan until March 2013.
The SKN promotes the development of the Solar Keymark quality label and its scheme rules. It is also an important platform for entities dealing with the Solar Keymark testing and certification. Its meetings are held bi-annually, with the following meetings being scheduled for 12th and 13th March 2013, in Israel and for the 24th and 25th September 2013 in Sweden.