Solar Certification Fund: 9th call
The Solar Certification Fund (SCF) launched its 9th call for proposals to continue to provide regular and reliable support for (1) developing better and new Solar Thermal certification and standardisation processes, (2) ensuring quality assurance for tomorrow’s solar thermal technology.
This new call has an indicative budget of 120 000 Euros and the final allocation will depend on the relevance and quality of the proposals submitted.
The main priorities of this 9th SCF call are extensive and include:
• The development of specific tools, processes and methods to improve the existing Keymark Certificate,
• Work regarding the broadening of the scope of Solar Keymark Certification
• Promotion and quality assurance of solar thermal technology and the Solar Keymark Certification.
The 9th SCF Call for proposals full text can be found here and the application form here.
This call is now closed